Updated August 3, 2023

The CX Guidelines and CX Standards have been developed for the Australian context through extensive consumer research, consultation, and collaboration with industry, while working closely with the Technical Working Group and the ACCC, OAIC, and Treasury.

Community consultation is conducted on the GitHub Standards and Maintenance and in public workshops involving data holders, data recipients, ecosystem participants, consumer advocates, and government representatives.

Feedback and guidance is also provided by Advisory Committee members who represent the financial sector, consumer groups, energy sector, and software vendors.

To date, the DSB has conducted consumer research with over 1000 diverse and representative participants across Australia. This ongoing research influences the content and form of the guidelines and standards.

The outputs of CX research and consultation can be found in publications on the CX reports page and on the Consumer Data Standards (CDS) website. Additional outputs are announced via our newsletter.

Activities and outputs

Understanding the consumer journey

Understanding the consumer journey

Co-designing the consumer experience

Co-designing the consumer experience

Quick links to CX Guidelines:





Consent Management

Accessibility statement

[email protected]cx.cds.gov.au | cds.gov.au

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