Updated April 24, 2024

CX research has focused on recruiting a broad and diverse range of participants. This page includes research participant figures and percentages for demographic information, financial literacy, energy literacy, digital use and CDR behavioural archetypes.

<aside> <img src="/icons/groups_gray.svg" alt="/icons/groups_gray.svg" width="40px" /> From Q4 2018 to Q1 2024, 1035 unique participants have been engaged for CX research. 20 of these participants have been reengaged on 2+ occasions.

The figures and percentages on this page draw from a pool of 906 participants.



A broad and diverse range of participants were recruited to help reduce bias and research out risk. A ‘no edge cases’ approach has been taken; deeming certain groups and needs as not important is antithetical to the design of an inclusive Consumer Data Right (CDR). Instead of focusing on those who are already likely and able to adopt CDR, the research focuses on removing the barriers to CDR being inclusive and accessible, which will make CDR easier and simpler to access for everyone.

The recruitment process strives to reflect the demographic percentages outlined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), and explicitly includes those who may be experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage.

Demographic information

Age group

We ask participants to indicate their age group.

We collect and use this information to recruit a diverse representation of Australia's population.

Table 1. Age