Data standards for CX cover areas of Data Language; Accessibility; Consent, Authenticate, and Authorise; and Withdrawal.

The CDR Rules (8.11) authorise a range of data standards to be made. These include technical standards, covering Application Programming Interface (API) and information security standards, and consumer experience (CX) standards. The CX Standards are part of the overall data standards and can be found on the main standards page, which CDR Participants should refer to for a complete list of data standards.

The CX Guidelines on this website provide optional examples of key requirements and recommendations to help organisations build best practice consent models. While the CX Guidelines are not mandatory, the CDR Rules emphasise the need for CDR Participants to have regard to them. The DSB emphasises that aligning to the non-mandatory items in the CX Guidelines will help achieve ecosystem consistency, familiarity and, in turn, facilitate consumer trust and adoption.

The CX Standards are published on GitHub. The obligations on CDR participants to apply the published standards commence on the commencement of the Consumer Data Right rules:

For CX Standards, the key words MUST, MUST NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, and MAY are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.

<aside> <img src="/icons/link_gray.svg" alt="/icons/link_gray.svg" width="40px" /> CX Standards

The CX Standards are now published on GitHub along with the other Data Standards. View CX Standards on CDS GitHub.


Last updated

This page was updated July 20, 2022

Quick links to CX Guidelines:





Consent Management


Accessibility statement

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<aside> The Consumer Data Standards Program is part of Treasury. Copyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2023.

The information provided on this website is licensed for re-distribution and re-use in accordance with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) Licence.
