These guidelines provide examples for how to implement the authorisation flow in relation to joint accounts.
According to rule 1.7, a joint account is a joint account with a data holder for which there are 2 or more joint account holders, each of which is an individual who:
(i) so far as the data holder is aware, is acting in their own capacity and not on behalf of another person; and
(ii) is eligible in relation to the data holder; but does not include a partnership account with a data holder.
Division 4.2A sets out the three disclosure options (pre-approval option, co-approval option and non-disclosure option), with the default option being the pre-approval option.
The guidelines in this section provide examples of how to implement requirements for the authorisation flow for disclosing data from joint accounts.
For further guidance, see ACCC's Revised joint account implementation guidance.
Authorise is the third stage of The Consent Model.
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Note: The wireframes shown are examples of how to implement key rules, standards, and guidelines. Use the on-screen functions to adjust zoom level or expand the wireframes to be viewed at full screen.
The following wireframes show a basic example of the authorisation flow where account holder A (AH-A) authorises to share data from a joint account with pre-approval disclosure option. Variations can be found in the below sections.
Note: Other requirements related to authorisation apply to this flow. Check the latest CDR Rules, CX Standards and Guidelines on authorisation for guidance.